Friday, February 27, 2015

Love Yourself.

I love _________ about myself…...

A sentence that we don’t hear often enough. Living in a “selfie-crazed” society - my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages are full of the hashtags- “selfie”, “outfit of the day”, and “no filter” where people are measuring their self worth by how many ‘likes’ they receive per picture. Granted, I am guilty of the occasional selfie, but I try to limit them to important moments in my life and, at times, I probably over share with my followers. Yet, I know that I am a confident and complete woman without the acceptance of those who ‘like’ my photos. Social media, like many other things in this world, can be used for both good and evil. It gives us an outlet to express our creativity and share our exciting outfit successes with our friends and followers, while it also opens the door to bullies and predators. Instead of teaching the next generation how to pose for the perfect selfie, why don’t we teach them to embrace who they are and share with the world what they love about themselves?

I believe that our world is entirely too affected by the Hollywood stars that we try and model
ourselves after. Instead of letting stars like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardasian be role models for young girls, and unrealistic characters for young men to see as ‘real’ women, we need to empower our youth to embrace their own individuality and be their own kind of beautiful. Love is a word that is tossed around like candy but rarely do we ever use it when speaking about ourselves. I could write a book about the many imperfect things about myself… but what is perfect? Each person is perfectly imperfect and that is what makes each of us truly beautiful. We are all different in our own rights and are given such a wonderful opportunity to live our lives and hopefully touch the lives of others along the way. So I invite you all to join me in shouting what you LOVE about yourself? Ready? Set….Go!

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